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LLD bow zon dueling guide
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Joined: 17 Feb 2004
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4.11 Silvarrr

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject:  LLD bow zon dueling guide  

Hell rushed lvl30 bowzon on useast non-ladder could have about:
150-1300 GA damage, 9fpa
750 life
120 frw
75 resis all
60% critical strike, 40% dodge, 55% avoid, 50% evade

Other than GA, zon should also get Jab/slow missle/decoy/valk/lightning fury.

Set keys that's close to "standing" key ([shift] by default) as your hotkeys. I use A,S,Z,X.

Other realms may have different build, but the dueling strategy would be similar. Here are some experience with my bowzon, all based on dueling other good lvl30 chars.

1. vs Bow zon
#1 rule: Do NOT run away from another bowzon after you can see her on your screen. The chance is, you are namelocked and the GA will follow you for screens. If you really have to get away, try run a little and switch to walk before the ga hits you. Or you can switch to java/shield side and start throwing/jabbing/lightning fury/lightning bolt.
Always cast a valk, and whenever the situation permits, cast a decoy between you and the other zon, to tank invisible GAs, or to attract locking GAs. Decoy is especially useful if you are rushing to another zon and try to jab her.
Multishots is better than GA vs bowzon that's running towards you, lightning fury is even better. Have a KB glove in your stash just in case the other zon decides to put it on, or get a not good java with kb.
Between two good bowzons, the duel can be long and Invisible GAs become the only hits that can be landed on each other. Some life replenish would be helpful.
Try to take the south side, because it give you a little more range of locking GA on opponent, because the bottom of the screen is covered by mana/life ball and other things.
Hide behind bush/corner/house to shake off the tracking GAs.

2. vs CS zon
Bowzon always win.
vs far cast CS zon, get general flail as switch weapon(50% slow), maybe cleg glove (25% slow/kb) too, put on extra frw and don't ever be in sight of the cs zon.
For a good manner duel, multishots is better than GA vs chars that run towards you, or use lightning fury. Put a crafted KB glove in stash just in case.

3. vs lightning/TS sorc.
Most time bowzon lose to a good lightning/TS sorc. If the sorc have 2k+mana and use ES/insight, zon will lose for sure.
TS will put you into evade/avoid animation, so sorc have extra time to tele on you and cast lightning. Try find a open terrain and continuelly run/ga/run/ga. Aim your ga somewhere between you and the sorc so it locks on the sorc, but need less time to travel back to the spot where the sorc would tele on top of you. Shoot ONCE and run away, repeat. Usually you have time to cast valk/decoy to tank TS, since the lighting cast speed is relatively low. Slow missle won't help much vs a good sorc, but it helps vs noobs. Another option is to use upped rogue's bow to get 8fpa ga, and shoot more frequently at sorc, that can probably lock her in place. Since lightning cast slower than fire ball, sometimes this works, but not always.

4. vs Fireball sorc.
50/50 chance vs fireball, without any +max resis/slow missle.
Similiar to dueling a lightning/TS sorc. Don't have time to cast decoy/valk, but Sorc can't TS you either. Just shoot/run/shoot/run.

5. vs blizzard sorc.
Bowzon lose most duels. With hawkmail it can be a long duel, really depends on who has more life replenish.
First, typical lld cold sorc has -70 to -85% cold mastery, make sure the zon has enough resis. If the sorc is aggressive and tele on zon to cast ice blast, Zon can just duel like vs fire or light sorc, and usually wins. But the good ones would only cast blizzard on you from a distance, so they have a longer time to respond and avoid your ga. Zon should keep running before the blizzard landed on you, but if somehow you are already in a blizzard and the sorc is in GA locking range, stand still and shoot GA, usually the sorc can't tank you so she would retreat. Use combination of multishots (to the direction sorc might tele to) and name lock GA whenever it's possible.

6. vs trapper
Bowzon always win.
Run fast and stay out of the trapper's sight. If you are name locked and being Mind blasted, do NOT try to tank, run away immidiately before multiple traps being casted upon you.

7. vs Kicker
Bowzon win more, kicker have chance too.
Put on 100+frw, WALK south, mostly just throw lightning fury, GA when it's safe, don't try to tank with jab.

8. vs summon necro
Not sure about this.
The only possible way for bowzon to win is by multishots, with many frw, but I never tested it vs a good summon necro. With GA/Jab bowzon always lose.

9. vs p&b necro
Bowzon wins most of the time.
For a "good manner" duel, bone spirit is just too slow to catch bowzon, bone spear can't hit a running bowzon. Remember to cast valk/decoy to attract spirits, and shoot a few multishots before GA to destroy necro's bonewalls. Keep a distance with necro. BTW, I think recasting bone armor and many bonewalls is not bad manner, because otherwise necro stands no chance at all.
If the necro use bone prison/decrepify, zon can use the slow flail as switch weapon, and slow missle. The hard part is getting close enough to the necro to cast slow missle, be careful doing that. But once you get slow missle on necro, you can safely shoot bunch of GAs then multishots a few times to break bone prisons and then run away.

10. vs thrower barb
Bowzon always win.
The only possible trouble is when the barb throws invisible javas by dex/str glitch. Just keep a distance and constantly move, not in a easily predictable pattern, and GA.

11. vs WW barb
Bowzon always win.
Put on 150frw. And the goal is never get hit by ww, especially not by the desynched ww. If you run a straight line in a open terrain, you are not safe even you doesn't see the barb on your minimap. Don't be afraid, just zigzag or run in small circles in a rough terrain, and name lock GA the barb. Just don't get greedy and standing there shooting multiple arrows thinking the barb is still away, no, he's not, he's right at your ass. Shoot no more than 3 GAs at a time then run.

Edit: I find it's hard for bowzon to deal with a very fast running barb, like mine and merl's barb, the ww descych is insanely high. But both our barb has about 150frw (equal to about 320 pure gear frw). I guess no other barbs ever put on such high frw, that's why my zon felt it's easy. If you use any slow, the barb is doomed, but that's just low. A better way is to keep running, throw lightning fury right back even you don't see the barb after you. And when the ww desynch finally break (when the barb suddenly shows up on your screen), you may now have chance to shoot a few GAs then run again. A few stamina potions usually help.

12. vs FOH.
Bowzon always win vs a pure foh build.
Usually FOH is used as a secondary attack by different pally builds. Anyway, get some lightning resis, GA.

13. vs charger/zealot
Bowzon always lose to a good charger/zeal hybrid for a set of duels. But you may get lucky, or maybe the pally is just crap. Anyway, Walk and use lightning fury only, never switch to bow side.

14. vs smiter
For a "good manner" duel, bowzon always win vs a smiter without a charge switch setup. But a smiter who does decent charge damage has chance vs bowzon.
Just run and GA/multishot back, lightning fury if the smiter keep charging at you.
If the smiter is using holyfreeze/general flail, bowzon will most likely lose. But the smiters who use these just for winning are usually noobs, so you can put on general flails/cleg gloves and try to kill them before they reach you.

15. vs hammerdin
Bowzon win most of the duels.
Hammers themself are not a threat if zon run fast and run in random directions. A good hammerdin will try to place hammers in front of you. Hammerdin can also carry damage gears and have about 2-2.5k charge damage. If the hammerdin charge you with slow weapon, pally will win more.
Get at least 120frw, name lock GA whenever you are not being charged, multishots in possible directions when you don't see the paladin on minimap. lightning fury and walk when being charged, jab occationally, but don't keep jabbing because the pally might switch to hammers. Recast valk whenever you have a chance. Get some life rep too if the pally like to runaway and regen, but it's really boring IMO.

16. vs fury druid
Bowzon always win.
Run fast (150+ frw), do NOT ever underestimate fury druid's speed, especially if he has feral rage activated. Shoot back with multishots, or lightning fury. Bowzon doesn't need slow or knockback to beat fury druids. If your zon have to use slow/kb vs fury druid, your zon sucks.

17. vs tornado druid
Bowzon always win.
Run and shoot.

18. vs fissure druid
Bowzon always win, without any +max resis gear.
Again, run and shoot. It's similar to dueling a blizzard sorc, but the druid can not teleport and can not Ice blast you.

Last edited by meitou on Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:55 pm    Post subject:  

I really like everything stated except valkeryie what values can it posses besides a distraction that dies in 1 hit id think the skill point could be more wisely invested

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:37 pm    Post subject:  

very detailed, very nice. i could use one of these for my blizz sorc Confused its my first pvp sorc period, never mind blizz. im pretty terrible at using her, dont know when to blizz and when to ice blast

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:53 pm    Post subject:  

What is the gear setup you use for those stats?

Equipped Lvl 30's:
Froggy-Leap Attacker, Vidala- Bow, Starly-Wind, Haunter-Bonenec, Dragonair-Fissure, Vileplume-Psn Jav, Clefairy- Wc

http://img104.imagevenue.com/loc1100/th_30982_ImpAvatar_122_1100lo.jpg(didnt want to lose that link Surprised
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:10 pm    Post subject:  

Yes please post gear, I kind of want to make one
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:23 am    Post subject:  

He has the gear to his chars in another post if you either didn't see or didn't remember. Nice guide by the way.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:05 am    Post subject:  

nice guide Very Happy
on a quest to be the be the best...HOO RAHH !!!

There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.

8min dmg jewels
dual dmg jewels
+10 min dmg eth replinish throwing spears
eth repair armor

dual dmg jewels
eth repair armor
hvy min dmg eth replinish throwing spears
+3ww barb helm
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:26 pm    Post subject:  

what charms sir? your char list didnt show charms
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:00 pm    Post subject:  

I disagree with #18........a well built, maxblock fissure druid can DESOMATE the best built 30 bowazons.

My fissure druid has consistently beaten the best bowas on east nl.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:24 pm    Post subject:  

FudGe wrote:
I disagree with #18........a well built, maxblock fissure druid can DESOMATE the best built 30 bowazons.

My fissure druid has consistently beaten the best bowas on east nl.

I will kick URS!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:56 am    Post subject:  

I disagree on nec vs zons.

It takes too many hits to pierce bone armor, and with recast the zon won't ever damage a nec. Unless you do max damage with crit strike, it should still take two hits to pierce bone armor... otherwise an average of 4-5. If they recast every 2 hits, they'll eventually win.

Edit: My post count is better than yours.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:30 am    Post subject:  

Grim 40 wrote:
I disagree on nec vs zons.

It takes too many hits to pierce bone armor, and with recast the zon won't ever damage a nec. Unless you do max damage with crit strike, it should still take two hits to pierce bone armor... otherwise an average of 4-5. If they recast every 2 hits, they'll eventually win.

Edit: My post count is better than yours.

That's a good point. But I actually tested it.

I had bone necro standing still casting bone armors non stoply (thanks to a few bmanas), 75% block of course, and about 450 bone armor, while my zon GA him non stopply (about 1300GA, 60%CS). It takes a while, but eventually the zon can kill it.

It's because of the FHR/blocking animation, and lucky big hits now and then.

In a real duel, the necro need to run (run, not walk) to catch up with zon, need to spam bs. On the other hand, because both are moving, multiple GAs can hit at the same time, or at least in a very short time span (I bet everyone have seen how multiple GAs follows, turns and eventually become a big bundle of GAs). All these make it's easier to cut through bone armor.

That being said, if the necro plays very very defensively, it's not easy for the zon. But then that's boring.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:37 am    Post subject:  

i tend to hit R button when ga's are about to hit to switch into walkin just for that 75% block and then hit R again to keep on following..

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:20 am    Post subject:  

In a GM duel vs competant bowies i tend play defensively with my boner, spam spirits off screen and try to whittle down the zons life with IBS. Again, it can be a slow duel...but unlike meitou, i find these particularly fun.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:34 am    Post subject:  

7. Kicker beaten by a bowazon?

My kicker was never beaten consistently by a bowazon. I've played with some pretty crappy kickers and still wasn't beaten by a bowazon.

Okay guide, by no means fantastic. Needs a better compilation.
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