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How Many Here Admit to "Pay for Play"
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:35 pm    Post subject:  

I, for one, care because buying items gives dupers an incentive to dupe stuff which causes lag and makes my time on Bnet crappier.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:38 pm    Post subject:  

i still dont think real world currency should be used in a virtual world, they should be isolated. thats like throwing down a real $20 in monopoly and buying everything. sure you could do that if you really wanted to win, but its not really fair. especially if your friends are poor Razz but if they're poor they'd probably be more than happy to split the $20. problem is, people you duel with your paid-for items dont get a slice of the profits (unless they sold it)

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:12 pm    Post subject:  

waramp wrote:
i still dont think real world currency should be used in a virtual world, they should be isolated. thats like throwing down a real $20 in monopoly and buying everything. sure you could do that if you really wanted to win, but its not really fair. especially if your friends are poor Razz but if they're poor they'd probably be more than happy to split the $20. problem is, people you duel with your paid-for items dont get a slice of the profits (unless they sold it)

Alot of ebay sellers live in other countries and actually get paid a nice wage compared to similar jobs in their countries.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:42 pm    Post subject:  

people have made a nice living off selling d2 items.

prime example is enzo.

whatever your stance is, plenty of people are making good money off of selling gear. you really cant stop it.

hell if i sell a ring or belt for 20 bucks im glad. i got school to pay for!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:30 pm    Post subject:  

I don't know why people shy away from admitting they pay to play a game. They act as if not doing so makes you more elite or something. I've played World of Warcraft (for a short time) which cost me $15 a month. I also currently subscribe to Xbox online which runs about the same...not to mention paying $50 per game and sometimes a few bucks here and there to get new player maps or upgrades to the game.

So, Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo are the only non subscription MMORPG style games that seem to be popular these days. Warcraft and Starcraft don't have the uniqueness of Diablo in that with Diablo you have to build a character up to "killing" status. That is what makes Diablo unique... it is the only game or at least one of very few where you must build your character from scratch and you have about 1/10,000,000 chance of finding all perfect gear for your character on your own.

There is a difference between having to pay to play the game, or paying to have someone else play the game for you, because that's what's happening, someone else is playing the game for you, and you are paying the person, that's not how it's supposed to be, you play the game, find items, use what you want, and trade the others, for other ingame items.
So, how is it that every person on this site or any other owns an Enigma? They also all own a grief, an exile, a lastwish, and probably a hoto, cta, botd, etc, etc, etc.

While nobody denies that the market is messed up big time, there is still a huge difference between using duped items, and spending money. You can be your own judge about right and wrong on those things, but they are not the same thing, far from it.
So, here is the thread where you can be proud and admit you ebay to play Diablo.

Why would anyone be proud to ebay Diablo II items? Even if you would consider ebaying items is normal, then why the hell would you be proud of it, it's like saying you are proud because you bought a chocolate bar in a store, or bought a can of cola.
So, I busted out my credit card and paid $.99 for each lot of 50. Some might think that is crazy...let me explain my reasoning. I realize you can find this stuff but it takes a minimum of 30-40 runs at countess to find a hel rune. Assuming you don't take breaks and don't use maphack then you are talking a couple hours MINIMUM to find ONE hel rune. I needed a minimum of 150 hel runes so we're talking over 300 hours of playing time devoted solely to finding hel runes. Not including the messages from friends to help them with one thing or another, transferring items you've found, fail to joins, temp bans, etc, etc, etc.

I don't know how you feel about that but I make a LOT of money per hour and I'd rather spend 300 hours dueling or chatting with friends or w/e... not mf'ing countess for a couple hel runes. Worth the $3 I paid to not be staring at the computer screen hoping to catch a glimpse of the ever elusive tower

That's 1 way to look at it, another way would be to just accept you don't have the best, it's what i do, and most others aswell, while some want to have 12+ or 20+ max jewels, others do just fine with 9 and 15's. You catching my drift?
When you so desperatly need the best that you are willing to pay real money for a virtual item, then it's no longer a game, but a obsession.
In fact, I'd go as far to say that paying $$$ is smarter or more "1337" than saying you NEVER pay for anything...cuz to me that just makes you someone that likes working harder... not smarter.

Wait, why are you using the word work in that sentence, because most of us plays the game for fun, and thus you don't work for it.
When i feel that i'm starting to work, then i stop doing what i'm doing, which is why i never mf'd much, instead i just play the game, start a lot of new characters, put my lower stuff on it.
I once had a account filled with Paladins, Zealot, Charger, Medic, Ranger etc, was fun, i lvled them untill 60 or so, and during those lvls i found plenty of stuff to use.
how am I supposed to believe you found a zod rune or an eth 4socket polearm

Ehm, that's not very hard...
I used to mock eBayers back in the day, but Breakbeatz had a pretty good point when he was forced to defend himself (which he usually was) - he basically said "my time is worth more to me than my money". (Not sure if that's exactly what he said, but that's a reasonable summary.) At the time I didn't really pay it much mind, but in retrospect that's not an unreasonable perspective at all.

In a sense it isn't, it is indeed better to spend some money on items rather then to work for those items, because that's how people like that expierence it, so in that sense yes it does make more sense to buy it. But to repeat myself, that means you are to obsessed with the game, i don't have to make that choice, because if i make a build, and it gets beaten up by a guy who either played a lot (wether they enjoyed it or not), or ebayed their items, then i'm really not bothered, sure i want to win, but that feeling will never get me to buy items.
Every person that doesn't sell their D2 characters is choosing D2 items over real money.

I have seen you say this before, but it's still not true. Way back i let a few accounts go, and those accounts were filled with atleast like $200 worth of items, so my choice wasn't between D2 items and money, but just wether i was true to my word or not, if i had sold those items then i would be a hypocrit, wether you sell items or buy items, it comes to the same point that you deal with real money for ingame items, because the fact is that when you sell items, you might aswell buy them, i mean thing about it, if you mf (or bot in most of those cases) for those items, then it would make more sense to buy the best items and all for those chars, to increase your mf, and do the runs faster with less problems.
The point is that i'm against real money being exchanged for ingame items.
If a Diablo nerd wants to make fun of me because my characters use imperfect equipment, it doesn't bother me in the least.

Couldn't agree more.
I already explained this before. You can't blame an individual consumer for problems with the market. They are a microscopic part of the problem which is created by millions upon millions of consumers.

Every person plays it's part.

At the place i work at we basicly take care of a part of the city, those streets were awful at the start, and we kept cleaning it up, over the years more and more people stopped throwing trash on the ground, now while 1 person might not make a big difference, after years so many people stopped doing it that it does make a big difference.

Now while it's not as easy in this case, the point is still the same, and while there will always be people who buy their items, if enough people stop then it will reduce the amount of bots running, reduce the lag etc.
Costs you around $1,000 for the computer

Holy shit, a $1000 PC for Diablo II... damn now that's wasting money on D2. Wink
So you blame yourself for personally forcing Phillippino children to work 18 hours a day making your Nike shoes? Don't preach to me unless you hold yourself to the same standards.

It's not about holding anyone to standards, you are denying the fact that you are part of the problem, and yes so am i, and yes so is very likely every single person on this forum for 1 thing or the other. I acknowledge that by having meat on my plate everyday that animals aren't treated how they should be, and sure, i'm only a small part of the problem, but i still am. I ain't doing anything about it, but i still acknowledge it, and so should you.
According to the couple intro econ courses I took a few years back, time is money. Time you spend doing anything you're not making money for could potentially be used to make money by working.

Again, gaming is to enjoy yourself, for entertainment, not for money, because if we argue like that then i've wasted a lot of money.
Only the obsessed make such connections.
I just pay a lot less. The time it takes me to get my items is much less than the time it takes someone to earn his items in game.

Are you? Because you're not paying less at all, you are paying more, you see i don't care about items much, and you do, so while i use regular items that i found by enjoying the game, you spend money on items to enjoy the game, so based on that we both enjoy the game, but you spent money on it, and i didn't.
So how does your theory work out now?
Once you reach the point where you must pay money in order to be satisfied with your imaginary computer game character, you are no longer enjoying a recreational activity: you are feeding an unhealthy addiction.

Exactly my point.
Once you reach the point where you must spend months upon months MFing in order to be satisfied with your imaginary computer game character, you are no longer enjoying a recreational activity: you are feeding an unhealthy addiction.

That's a very true statement aswell... ofcourse you should realise that most of us don't spend months to be satisfied with our chars, we just use what we can get while we enjoy the game.
I strive for perfection and I try to excel at everything I do.

Well that explains why you are so obsessed with Diablo II, because that's 1 of the few things in life in which you can have something perfect, pretty much everything else will never be perfect, it's time you accept that, and find some better things to worry about.

Also these comments definetly give a good insight in your personality.
drive an expensive car

Note how you say a expensive car... you do know what that says about you right? That you want to look good on paper, if you have a great car that happens to be expensive then that's fine, but the costs of it shouldn't matter, when you drive a car then it's about how that car makes you feel, how it drives, the options in it, safety etc, not how much money you paid for it, it's not about numbers, you can't measure succes in numbers, the same way you can't in Diablo II, just because your character is twice as good as someones elses doesn't mean you are twice as good, in the end that all doesn't matter.
and date a hot girl

Now why would you mention hot, but not nice, smart, friendly or any of those, it's the same thing as the car and the D2 chars, all about appearences.
And you will probably twist this around saying we all want that, because sure most of us do want a expensive car, a hot girl, and even good jewels on our character, but for none of the reasons you do, i don't want a expensive car because i like to brag, but because most of the really nice cars just cost a lot, and sure everyone wants a hot girl, but only if you really like her (mind you we are talking about a serious relationship, not some girl you want to constantly bump against the headpost), and sure, we also want good jewels on our characters, because stronger is better, but not for the reasons that you do, or the ways you do it in, in the end you need to have your priorities straight, and you definetly don't.
It's just more fun to play with good gear. I don't mind losing duels or having less godly gear... but, dueling with truely noobish gear isn't fun at all.

That's only how you define things.
9 maxers (and the likes) would be considered "noobish" to you, now join a random tomb game (usually 15-20 people in there), and see how many can be beaten up with that "noobish" stuff, so when a person can kill someone at twice it's lvl with "noobish" gear, then what the hell are they using?
It's only "noobish" compared to people who spend a great deal of time and/or money on this game.
I guess I'm kind of like the ship in a bottle builder that Dao mentioned.

I guess you aren't.
Making a ship in a bottle requires skill, ebaying items doesn't, pushing those jewels in a itemd doesn't require skill either.
What does require skill is building a good dueler, and not because it has good items, but because it's design is good.
It's like a architect designing a building, and then you come in with a big wallet and you hire people to build it, and yes you don't hire people to press those jewels in your char, but that doesn't get you any credit.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:38 pm    Post subject:  

Pointless essay.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:51 pm    Post subject:  

Elusive wrote:
people have made a nice living off selling d2 items.

prime example is enzo.

whatever your stance is, plenty of people are making good money off of selling gear. you really cant stop it.

hell if i sell a ring or belt for 20 bucks im glad. i got school to pay for!
There's also Jesse, the owner of d2items.com and lewt.com. He has several extremely expensive cars including 2 Lamborghinis and 2 Porsches and lives in a very nice suburban home. It's pretty absurd how much money these item site people make.
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Dao Jones

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:52 pm    Post subject:  

Making a ship in a bottle requires skill, ebaying items doesn't, pushing those jewels in a itemd doesn't require skill either.

No offense, but don't infer things from my posts if you don't understand what I was saying. The element of skill is wholly irrelevant to the process. BB has exactly stated what it is he does: he builds duelers. The dueling isn't even all that important to him. For him, the "fun" factor is in finding those items (whereever they may be found), putting together the build, assembling the items on said character, and then sitting back and admiring the beauty of the creation. You don't get it, because you can't understand why someone would do that. It seems stupid to you, because that's not at all how you play the game.

Putting together one of those insane 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzles that are all one color is also a phenomenal pain in the ass, and it doesn't take a lot of skill - just patience. But people do it. And they enjoy it. They enjoy working toward a goal, they enjoy the complexity of the process, and they enjoy sitting back at the end of it all and admiring their handiwork. Some people do it with model aircraft. BB does it with Diablo 2 LLD duelers.

wfg-dude is different. I can see his point, too. He may want to try 50 different builds. He may not want to spend 100 hours per character to acquire all the items needed to make that build the best it can be. It's not about "cheating", or "paying someone to play for you". In wfg-dude's mind, he's "paying someone to waste their time for him." It's perfectly reasonable. Think about it. wfg doesn't want to friggin' mf all day - he wants to duel! So why would he spend his leisure time playing a game in a way he doesn't want? He doesn't want to use what few free hours he has (between work, wife and kid) grinding Meph runs to try to scrape together enough items to try a dueler. That's not "leisure" to him - that's work. So he pays someone to "work" for him, so he can play how he really wants to play.

If I want an awesome sandwich, I'm totally capable of making it myself. I can assemble bread, meat, cheese and veggies like a madman. But doing all that? It's too much damn work. That's why I pay some guy 8 bucks to make that tasty sammich for me. Exactly the same thing.

People. You need to stop filtering your posts through the lens of your own perspective. Look at this objectively - everyone is basically saying the same thing: I want to play this game my way. Well, good for you. Stop trying to make other people play it your way, too.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:06 am    Post subject:  

Stop trying to make other people play it your way, too.

The game is not ment to be played this way, so why not? And yes, i might not determine how it's supposed to be played, but the creators did.
Pointless essay.

Why? Because you say so? Don't post if you only have to post pointless spam...

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:18 am    Post subject:  

yeah ive had enough of this. too personal now.

discuss this elsewhere if you want but this issue is done here.


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